To determine the role of leaf mechanical properties in altering foliar inclination angles, and the nutrient and carbon costs of specific foliar angle variation patterns along the canopy, leaf structural and biomechanical characteristics, biomass partitioning into support, and foliar nitrogen and carbon concentrations were studied in the temperate deciduous species Liriodendron tulipifera L., which possesses large leaves on long petioles. We used beam theory to model leaf lamina as a uniform load, and estimated both the lamina and petiole flexural stiffness, which characterizes the resistance to bending of foliar elements at a common load and length. Petiole and lamina vertical inclination angles with respect to horizontal increased with increasing average daily integrated photon flux density (Q ). Yet, the light effects on lamina inclination angle were primary determined by the petiole inclination angle. Although the petioles and laminas became longer, and the lamina loads increased with increasing Q, the flexural stiffness of both lamina and petiole increased to compensate for this, such that the lamina vertical displacement was only weakly related to Q . In addition, increases and decreases in the petiole inclination angle with respect to the horizontal effectively reduced the distance of lamina load from the axis of rotation, thereby reducing the bending moments and lamina inclination due to gravity. We demonstrate that large investments, up to 30% of total leaf biomass, in petiole and large veins are necessary to maintain the lamina at a specific position, but also that light has no direct effect on the fractional biomass investment in support. However, we provide evidence that apart from light availability, structural and chemical characteristics of the foliage may also be affected by water stress, magnitude of which scales positively with Q.