The OEDIPUS rocket payload con guration comprises two spinning subpayloads, each having long exible booms and a common long connecting tether of about 1 km in length. An analysis demonstrates the damped gyroscopic natural modes as a means of understanding the dynamics and stability of these very complex con gurations. For OEDIPUS-A, attention is focused on calculation of nutation mode divergence that is attributable to material damping of the tether and booms. Calculated divergence rates are compared with ight data of OEDIPUS-A. For OEDIPUS-C attention is focused on attitude and con guration stability. It is noted to be stable in nutation and other modes at its ight spin rate of about 0.09 Hz. However, the con guration is noted to be susceptible to structural instability at spin rates above 0.26 Hz.
NomenclatureA; B; C = moments of inertia of end body, booms, and tether mass effects, kg-m 2 A; B= constant system matrices of rst-order form of model= distance between rotation point of end body and tether attachment (Fig. 2b), m C b1 ; C b2 = material linear viscous damping coef cient of booms C t = material linear viscous damping coef cient for tether D = symmetric damping matrix of con guration E I = stiffness of booms, N-m 2 E 1 ; E 2 = matrix functionals in stiffness matrices of booms G = skew-symmetric gyroscopic stiffness matrix K = stiffness matrix of con guration K T = stiffness submatrix of tether, N-m K 1 ; K 2 = stiffness submatrices of booms, N-m = length of tether, m 1 ;`2 = length of booms (Fig. 2c), m M = symmetric mass matrix of con guration M T = tether mass submatrices, kg-m 2 M 1 ; M 2 = boom mass submatrices, kg-m 2 m; n = order of discretization O = center of mass and of rotation of end body O X 1 X 2 X 3 = inertial coordinate system Ox 1 x 2 x 3 = coordinate system attached to rigid end body P = origin of tether reference system at attachment point of tether to end body when con guration is undeformed PY 1 Y 2 Y 3 = tether coordinate system that rotates with end body P 1 ; P 2 = column matrix functions of discretized booms [Eq. (6)], kg-m 2 Q k = complex eigenvector q 5 ; q 6 ; q 7 ; q 8 = coordinate function matrices of boom deformation q s 5 ; q s 6 ; q a 7 ; q a 8 = symmetric and antisymmetric coordinate function matrices of booms R = column matrix functionals of the tether [Eq. (6)], kg-m 2 S = spin rate, cps s = eld point of tether or boom length, m T = tether tension, N t = time, s U k ; V k = real and imaginary parts of Q k u; u; v; w = tether deformation vector and components (Fig. 2a), m w i = boom de ection variables x = state variable matrix for model in second-order form Z = state variable matrix for model in rst-order form ® k ; º k = real and imaginary part of eigenvalue, 1/s ® N ; ® t = real part of eigenvalue of nutation mode and tether modes, respectively, 1/s = material damping ratios of tether or booms µ ; Ã; Á = Euler angles of lower end body (Fig. 2b), deģ k = complex eigenvalue » = dimensionless length of tether or booms ½ ; ½ 1 ; ½ 2 = density per unit length of tether an...