SU MMARYSix pairs of isogenic lines of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) were sown in field plots in Montecillo, State of Me´xico (2240 m altitude), in 2005 and 2006. Crosses A (Y)rB (X) were done in each pair. In A-lines, the length of pistil, stigma, style and ovary, as well as the ovary width, were measured. In B-lines, pollen diameter, viability (cytoplasm density) and production were evaluated. Pollen germination and pollen tube growth in the pistils of the A-lines, were quantified in vivo with aniline blue and epifluorescence 18 h after pollination (HAP), while fertilized pistils were counted at 96 HAP. Histological studies on both pollinated and non-pollinated pistils were performed in one male-sterile line. Seed yield, mean-seed weight, seeds per panicle and seed set (SS; seeds/flower/ panicle) were determined at harvest. Pollen viability was the variable most related to pollen germination and pollen tube growth. Stigma receptivity was not associated with its morphology