Sir, Paraneoplastic dermatoses, describes those benign disorders in which there is a direct and often parallel course of the dermatosis with an underlying malignancy. Their presence serves as an important marker of a potentially-associated neoplastic process. We are reporting a case with multiple cutaneous paraneoplastic manifestations seen in association with an upper gastrointestinal (GI) malignancy.A 76-year-old man presented with generalized, pruritic, hyperpigmented raised lesions for 4 years and hyperpigmentation over the sides of neck, axilla, and thighs for 4 years.On examination, patient appeared emaciated; pallor was present and there was no significant lymphadenopathy or systemic findings. He had hyperpigmented velvety plaques over neck, axilla, groin, areola, and lips suggestive of acanthosis nigricans (AN); numerous verrucous papules and plaques with a stuck-on appearance over trunk, face, scalp, and proximal extremities suggestive of seborrheic keratosis [ Figure 1]; palms showed hyperkeratosis and altered dermatoglyphics suggestive of tripe palms and verrucous papules typifying verruca vulgaris seen over extensor surfaces of extremities [ Figure 2].
Net LetterHow to cite this article: Varghese SA, Sobhanakumari K, Issac CM, Seena P. A myriad of paraneoplastic dermatoses. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 2011;77:626.