We designed a specific router which can provide the required level of QoS over NGN(Next Generation Network) in this paper. We called this router 'QoSAware router', which consists of two parts, a classbased routing part and a flow-based routing part. QoS-Aware router enables data taking broad bandwidth or requiring high-level QoS to be processed immediately and not to be affected by other services. We assigned new service types to the flow label field of IPv6 header so as to provide differentiated services according to the packet type. Also, we adopted NGN QoS Architecture to apply resource management and to get user's information. By doing this, we designed a distinguishing mechanism in order to adapt to NGN that concentrates upon QoS. We built a simulation model using OMNeT++, and could verify the performance of QoS-Aware router supporting QoS based on subscriber and service levels, and resource management.