This chapter contains a brief overview of both boiling and condensation heat transfer phenomena. Boiling and condensation are the two convective heat transfer phenomena that involve phase change from liquid to vapour and vapour to liquid, respectively. The chapter starts with the basis of heat transfer with an emphasis on the boiling and condensation phenomenon. Next, the overview of the boiling phenomenon and its different classifications like pool, flow, and subcooled and saturated boiling are discussed in detail. Different boiling regimes (natural convection boiling, nucleate boiling, transition boiling and film boiling) with the observed heat transfer rate in the case of pool boiling are mentioned in detail using the boiling curve. The heat transfer aspect and basics of condensation with types (drop and film-wise condensation) and application are also presented. The derivation for the calculation of the rate of heat transfer during film condensation with the correlations for heat transfer coefficient on vertical, horizontal and inclined plates is explained. Some numerical for the calculation of the rate of heat transfer and heat transfer coefficient for condensation phenomena has been also been mentioned. Apart from a basic overview, this chapter also includes information about the advanced heat transfer enhancement techniques available for boiling and condensation.