We report on the dramatic slowing down of the charge carrier dynamics in a quasi-two-dimensional organic conductor, which can be reversibly tuned through the Mott metal-insulator transition (MIT). At the finite-temperature critical endpoint we observe a divergent increase of the resistance fluctuations accompanied by a drastic shift of spectral weight to low frequencies, demonstrating the critical slowing down of the order parameter (doublon density) fluctuations. The slow dynamics is accompanied by non-Gaussian fluctuations, indicative of correlated charge carrier dynamics. A possible explanation is a glassy freezing of the electronic system as a precursor of the Mott MIT.The Mott metal-insulator transition (MIT), where a charge gap opens due to electron-electron interactions is a key phenomenon in modern condensed-matter physics [1], for which the understanding of various fundamental aspects remains challenging, both theoretically and experimentally [2]. Among them are the nature of the anomalous metallic state and (nano-scale) phase separation in the vicinity of the Mott transition, the understanding of the combined effects of electron-electron interactions and disorder, and the question of universality and critical behavior. In recent years, organic charge-transfer salts have proven an outstanding class of materials with model character for studying these aspects of the Mott MIT [2-5]. These materials κ-(BEDT-TTF) 2 X, composed of the organic donor molecule BEDT-TTF (bis-ethylenedithio-tetrathiafulvalene representing C 6 S 8 [C 2 H 4 ] 2 , abbreviated as ET) and a polymeric anion X, are layered systems with a quasi-twodimensional electronic structure and belong to the very few examples, where the Mott MIT is purely driven by controlling the bandwidth without symmetry breaking [6]. The bandwidth W can be covontrolled either continuously by applying hydrostatic pressure or in discrete steps at ambient pressure by varying the anion X, which mimics changes in the ratio W/U , where U is the effective on-site Coulomb repulsion [7]. Likewise, replacing the eight H-atoms of the ET molecules' C 2 H 4 ethylene endgroups (EEG) in metallic κ-(ET) 2 Cu[N(CN) 2 ]Br (κ-H 8 -Br) by D-atoms (κ-D 8 -Br) results in a chemicallyinduced shift from the metallic towards the Mott insulating state [8]. In the T -p or T -X phase diagram the MIT is represented by an S-shaped, first-order transition line which terminates in a second-order critical point (p cr. /T cr. ), see Fig. 1. Recently, the critical behavior of the charge, spin and lattice degrees of freedom at (p cr. /T cr. ) has been subject of intense research efforts [6,[9][10][11][12][13][14][15]. Despite numerous experimental and theoretical approaches, however, no consensus has been reached on the nature of the Mott criticality in κ-(ET) 2 X and the underlying universality class. Furthermore, an investigation of the critical fluctuations and the dynamic properties of the charge carriers at the critical point, in particular at low frequencies, is still lacking. From general ...