ÖZETAmaç: Bu araştırma, hemodiyaliz tedavisi alan bireylerin sıvı kısıtlamasına uyum düzeylerini değerlendirmek ve sıvı kısıtlamasına uyumu etkileyen faktörleri belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Results: It was found that individuals receiving hemodialysis had a moderate level of concordance with fluid restriction (51.23±5.88); they had high levels of knowledge regarding fluid restriction (20.22±1.07); and they had a moderate level of concordance in terms of behavioral aspects (22.42±4.23), but low levels of concordance in terms of the attitudes aspect (8.59±2.61). Individuals' concordance with fluid restriction was found to be influenced by gender and marital status; knowledge level was found to be influenced by gender and treatment duration, and behavior was significantly influenced by gender. Women, in comparison to men, were found to have higher concordance levels in terms of knowledge, behavior and total fluid control aspects; single patients' level of concordance with total fluid control was higher compared to married patients, and the level of knowledge about fluid control was lower in patients who had had a treatment duration of 6 months to 2 years, in comparison with other groups. Interdialytic weight gain decreased with increasingly concordant attitudes and total scores for fluid control, and the amount of ultrafiltration needed decreased with the increase in behavior and total scores.
Gereç ve
Conclusion:It was found that individuals who received hemodialysis were not adequately concordant with fluid restriction. Individualized training and practice is required to increase concordance with fluid restriction.