Abstract-We have performed optical potential mapping with very high temporal and spatial resolution in guinea pig papillary muscles during the application of electrical pulses. We used a surface staining procedure, with the potential sensitive dye di-4-ANEPPS, throughout our experiments which limited the depth of contribution to the optical signal to less than 40 µm [1]. Our results gave clear evidence, that the structural inhomogeneities themselves, in regions within about a space constant (< 1 mm), were able, during the application of an electrical pulse, to cause strong membrane polarizations. These polarizations, occurring far from electrodes, were sufficient to trigger local electrical activities. Our findings strongly support hypotheses, which assume, that the tissue structure -especially in regions far from electrodes or from the surface of the heart -play an important role in the defibrillation process. Keywords -optical potential mapping, field stimulationField induced transmembrane potential changes are the necessary link to the resulting electrical interferences such as e.g. cardiac stimulation or defibrillation work in cardiac tissue. As predicted in several mathematical models, and measured in biological preparations, the tissue structure with its specific shape, dimension and inhomogeneities play a major role in the generation of these pulse induced membrane voltages. It is still an open question, to which extent inhomogeneities of various size scales can contribute to these polarization induced membrane voltages, which in turn may elicit an action potential, or even stop fibrillation. As was shown in an earlier study by Müller et al. [2] small inhomogeneities in guinea pig papillary muscles caused severe distortions in the spread of excitation. In the present paper we used the same type of preparation to study field induced membrane voltages, appearing within the range of 1 mm ( i.e. within about a space constant).
II. METHODOLOGYGuinea pig papillary muscles were stained with the voltage sensitive dye di-4-ANEPPS and mounted in a tissue bath. During the whole experiment the preparation was kept under near physiological conditions (Tyrode's solution at 36 o C, Oxygen saturated). A pair of current driven platinum electrodes was used to deliver electrical pulses with the electrical field strength oriented parallel to the main axis of the muscle. During a measurement, the green light of a frequency doubled Neodymium-Yag laser (100 mW, 532 nm) = This investigation was supported by the Austrian Science Fund, Grand No. P 12294-Med was used to excite the fluorescence of the stained specimen, which showed a voltage sensitivity of up to 10 % intensity change per 100 mV membrane potential change. In most cases, a few milliseconds before and after a measurement, the specimen was excited for 2 ms with the violet light of an Argon-Ion laser (457 nm). At this wavelength the voltage sensitivity of the dye is small compared to that of a greenlight excitation [3]. An evaluation of the intensity of the fluorescence ...