19Treatment-resistant depression (TRD) occurs in many patients and causes high 20 morbidity and mortality. Because TRD subjects are particularly difficult to study 21 especially longitudinally, biological data remain very limited. In a preliminary study to 22 judge feasibility and power, 25 TRD patients were referred from specialty psychiatric 23 practices. All were severely and chronically depressed and mostly had comorbid 24 psychiatric disorders as is typical in TRD. Nine patients were able to complete all 25 required components of the protocol that included diagnostic interview; rating scales; 26 clinical magnetic resonance imaging; medication washout; treatment with maximally 27 tolerated olanzapine-fluoxetine combination for 8 weeks; and pre-and post-treatment 28 fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography. This drug combination is an 29 accepted standard of treatment for TRD. Dropouts arose from worsening depression, 30 insomnia, and anxiety. One patient remitted; three responded. A priori regions of 31 interest included the amygdala and subgenual cingulate cortex (sgACC; BA25).
32Responders showed decreased metabolism with treatment in the right amygdala that 33 correlated with clinical response; no significant changes in BA25; better response to 34 treatment the higher the baseline BA25 metabolism; and decreased right ventromedial 35 prefrontal metabolism (VMPFC; broader than BA25) with treatment which did not 36 correlate with depression scores. The baseline metabolism of all individuals showed 37 heterogeneous patterns when compared to a normative metabolic database. Although 38 preliminary given the sample size, this study highlights several issues important for 39 future work: marked dropout rate in this study design; need for large sample size for 40 adequate power; baseline metabolic heterogeneity of TRD requiring careful subject 41 3 characterization for future studies of interventions; relationship of amygdala activity 42 decreases with response; and the relationship between baseline sgACC and VMPFC 43 activity with response. Successful treatment of TRD with olanzapine-fluoxetine 44 combination shows changes in cerebral metabolism similar to those seen in treatment-45 responsive major depression. 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 Treatment-resistant depression (TRD) is often operationally defined as a major 63 depressive episode that fails to remit after treatment with at least two antidepressants of 64 different classes at therapeutic doses for an adequate treatment period [1-8]. More 65 extensive staging criteria for TRD have been proposed as well [1]. TRD must be 66 distinguished from inadequately treated depression resulting from numerous factors 67 such as patient non-compliance, intolerance to side effects, misdiagnosis (e.g., thyroid 68 disease), low dosage, etc. [2]. It is unclear if TRD is a particularly malignant form of 69 depression with its own pathophysiology, or if treatment-related changes in brain 70 metabolism are different than those found in treatment-resp...