We study analytically the effect of a correlated random potential on the persistent current in a one-dimensional ring threaded by a magnetic flux φ, using an Anderson tight-binding model. In our model, the system of N = 2M atomic sites of the ring is assumed to be partitioned into M pairs of nearest-neighbour sites (dimers). While the individual atomic site energies are assumed to be identically distributed gaussian variables with autocorrelation parameter ε 2 0 , the dimer site energies are chosen to be correlated with a gaussian strength α 2 < ε 2 0 . For this system we obtain the exact flux-dependent energy levels to second order in the random site energies, using an earlier exact transfer matrix perturbation theory. These results are used to study the mean persistent current generated by N e ≤ N spinless electrons occupying the N e lowest levels of the flux-dependent energy band at zero temperature. Detailed analyzes are carried out in the case of low filling of the energy band (1 ≪ N e ≪ N ) and for a half-filled band (N e = N/2), for magnetic fluxes −1/2 < φ/φ 0 < 1/2.In the half-filled band case, the uncorrelated part of the disorder reduces the persistent current while the correlated part enhances it, in such a way that for α 2 < ε 2 0 /2 the current decreases with the disorder, while for α 2 > ε 2 0 /2 it increases with it. Also, while showing a specific dependence on the flux, the disorder effect has the same dependence on the parity of N e as the pure system free electron current. In contrast, at low filling of the energy-band, the disorder induced effect in the persistent current depends critically on the parity: due to a peculiar dependence on the flux, it yields a reduction of the current for odd N e and an enhancement of it for even N e . The observability of the effects of weak correlated disorder on persistent current in the half-filled band case is restricted to ring sizes in the nanoscale range, for which no measurements presently exist.