Mammals shift their feeding habits from mother’s milk to environmental foods postnatally. While this weaning process accompanies the acquisition of attractive behaviour toward environmental foods, the underlying neural mechanism for the acquisition is poorly understood. We previously found that adult mouse olfactory tubercle (OT), which belongs to the olfactory cortex and ventral striatum, has functional domains that represent odour-induced motivated behaviours, and that c-fos induction occurs mainly in the anteromedial domain of OT following learned odour-induced food seeking behaviour. To address the question whether the anteromedial OT domain is involved in the postnatal acquisition of food seeking behaviour, we examined OT development during weaning of mice. Whereas at postnatal day 15 (P15), all mice were attracted to lactating mothers, P21 mice were more attracted to familiar food pellets. Mapping of c-fos induction during food seeking and eating behaviours showed that while c-fos activation was observed across wide OT domains at P15, the preferential activation of c-fos in the anteromedial domain occurred at P21 and later ages. These results indicate that preferential c-fos activation in the anteromedial OT domain occurred concomitantly with the acquisition of attractive behaviour toward food, which suggests the importance of this domain in the weaning process.