Modern liver ultrasonography (US) has become a “one-stop shop” able to provide not only anatomic and morphologic but also functional information about vascularity, stiffness and other various liver tissue properties. Modern US techniques allow a quantitative assessment of various liver diseases. US scanning is no more limited to the visualized plane, but three-dimensional, volumetric acquisition and consequent post-processing are also possible. Further, US scan can be consistently merged and visualized in real time with Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging examinations. Effective and safe microbubble-based contrast agents allow a real time, dynamic study of contrast kinetic for the detection and characterization of focal liver lesions. Ultrasound can be used to guide loco-regional treatment of liver malignancies and to assess tumoral response either to interventional procedures or medical therapies. Microbubbles may also carry and deliver drugs under ultrasound exposure. US plays a crucial role in diagnosing, treating and monitoring focal and diffuse liver disease. On the basis of personal experience and literature data, this paper is aimed to review the main topics involving recent advances in the field of liver ultrasound.