Exotic cluster decay of very heavy nuclei is studied using the microscopic nuclear potentials obtained by folding density dependent M3Y effective interaction with the densities of the cluster and the daughter nuclei. The microscopic nuclear potential, Coulomb interaction and the centrifugal barrier arising out of spin-parity conservation are used to obtain the potential between the cluster and the daughter nuclei. Half life values are calculated in the WKB framework and the preformation factors are extracted. The latter values are seen to have only a very weak dependence on the mass of the emitted cluster. [3,4] with reasonable success. This was followed by the preformed cluster model (PCM) calculations which is distinguished by the inclusion of the cluster preformation probability and was applied to α decay [5] with similar success. But both the theoretical approaches described above use phenomenological potentials for the nucleusnucleus interactions. The ASAFM uses a parabolic potential approximation for the nuclear interaction within a superasymmetric fission model description which yields analytical expressions for the decay lifetimes, while the PCM uses a cos-hyperbolic form for nuclear interaction potential arising from the folding integral with sufficiently well known charge densities and the resulting nuclear potential could be more or less accurately parameterized to such a form.
KeywordsIn the present work the phenomena of nuclear cluster radioactivity is studied theoretically using microscopic potentials within WKB framework of quantum tunneling. The microscopic nuclear interaction potential is calculated by folding the density distributions of the emitted and daughter nuclei with density dependent M3Y effective interaction (DDM3Y). The DDM3Y effective nucleon-nucleon (NN) interaction used here was peviously used successfully for elastic and inelstic scattering of protons [6,7], proton radioactivity [8] and α radioactivity [9, 10] whose density dependence was obtained from nuclear matter calculations [11]. The cluster preformation factors are extracted from the calculated and * E-mail: trr1@rediffmail.com; E-mail: jagat.su˙ph@yahoo.in; Email: dnb@veccal.ernet.in the measured half lives of cluster radoactivity and its systematics are studied.The decay constant λ for cluster radioactivity is a product of cluster preformation probability P 0 in the ground state, the tunneling probability through barrier P and the assault frequency ν. Cluster emission half life T 1/2 = ln 2/λ calculated within WKB framework for barrier penetration probability P is:where E v , the zero point vibration energy, is assumed to be proportional to Q-value of the spontaneous cluster emission. The WKB action integral is given bywhere the total interaction energy between the emitted cluster and the daughter nucleus E(R)=V N (R)+V C (R)+ h 2 l(l + 1)/(2µR 2 ) is equal to the sum of the nuclear interaction energy, Coulomb interaction energy and the centrifugal barrier arising from spin-parity conservation. The reduced mass µ = mA e ...