“…The issue is the interactions of domains of social life (Lahire, 1998) or 'life contexts' (Bidart, 2008, p. 560) that influence individual decisions. More specifically, they consider relationships between work and leisure (Chevalier & Dussart, 2002;Forté, 2006;Routier, 2013), sport and school (Forté, 2006), sport and family (Forté, 2006;Joncheray et al, 2015;Lafabrègue, 2001), sport and friendship (Forté, 2006;Joncheray et al, 2015;Prévitali, 2013), sport and body (Joncheray et al, 2015;Routier, 2013) relationships (Forté, 2006;Prévitali, 2013;Routier, 2013), sport participation and sports context (de Bruyn & Bringé, 2006;Chevalier, 1998;Joncheray et al, 2015;Prévitali, 2013).…”