A study to investigate commonly grown vegetables, commonly used pesticides, and pesticide use practices was conducted in Kabale District, in south-western Uganda. This is because indiscriminate pesticide use and poor application practices can leave pesticide residues in food rendering it unsafe for consumption. The study revealed extensive pesticide application in Brassica oleracea; var. capitata (cabbage), Brassica oleracea; var. botrytis (cauliflower), Solanum lycopersicum, (tomato) and Beta vulgaris (beet root). Information obtained using interviews revealed that 16.5% traders sell pesticides and 70% farmers spray pesticides on vegetables. Only 18% of farmers could interpret instructions correctly on a given pesticide container label. All farmers (100%) had never attended any pesticide use training. Cypermethrin, dimethoate, dichlorvos, metalaxyl, profenofos, malathion and mancozeb were common pesticides used in spraying vegetables however 42% of the farmers mixed different pesticides for use. Limited knowledge about pesticide application, inability to interpret instructions, non-observation of waiting period before harvesting, mixing pesticides and lack of training on pesticide use for farmers are potential risks to food safety. There is need to address knowledge gaps on safer pesticide application in order to attain safe agricultural productivity for sustainable food security, human health and community development in Kabale District, Uganda.