In a critical anthropolo ical approach, a refu ee camp is seen as a space of "humanitarian overnment" (A ier 2011), where it is primarily humanitarian or anizations, social services and police that cooperate, whereas refu ees are a "disquietin element" (A amben 1998), non-subjects whose free will, freedom of movement, speech and expression of their personality is reduced to a minimum. As ethno raphers and volunteers, we saw the transit camp in Slavonski Brod as an assemblage (Ramadan 2012) of space, time, practices and relationships that took place there, and whose dynamics was determined by le ally unclear procedures of "tria e" of refu ees/mi rants. The analysis focuses on the distribution tent which, despite bein monitored, turned out to be the only place of "freedom" in the sense of conversational interaction and time and space mana ement, both for refu ees and volunteers. The predominant activity in the distribution tent was donatin clothin and shoes to the refu ees, which made us ethnolo ically rethink clothes as a cultural artefact and the non-verbal lan ua e which the refu ees used to ne otiate their identity and symbolically express their past, present and future. In addition to a description of abnormal normality of the distribution "bazaar" or "shoppin center" as a lobally reco nizable genius loci, we also present autoethno raphic refl ections about the cultural, moral and emotional e ects of unexpected meetin s-events with the "un raspable face of the other" (Lévinas 1991), which questions our existential and historical experience.