Increasing the expression of various glycolytic operons in Zymomonss mobilis caused a significant decrease rather than increase in the glycolytic flux and growth rate. Because the relative decrease depended on the amount of overexpressed protein, and was independent of which enzyme was overexpressed, we attributed it to a protein burden effect. More specifically, we examined if the decrease in glycolytic flux could be explained by a decreased concentration of other glycolytic enzymes (for which glucokinase was used as a marker enzyme). Using the summation theorem of metabolic control theory we predicted the extent of this protein burden effect. The predictions were in good agreement with the experimental observations. This suggests that the negative flux control is caused either by a simple competition of the overexpressed gene with the expression of all other genes or by simple dilution. Furthermore, we determined the implications of protein burden for the determination of the extent to which an enzyme limits a flux. We conclude that a protein burden can cause a significant underestimation of the flux control coefficient, especially if the enzyme under investigation is a highly expressed enzyme.Keywords : protein burden, Zymomonas mobilis, flux control, glycolysis, metabolic control analysis
INTRODUCTIONAttempts to optimize metabolic processes, by overexpression of enzymes that are thought to be important in the determination of the overall rate of formation of the desired product, often lead to negative results (Schaaff e t al., 1989;Niederberger et a/., 1992). This can be due to:(1) an intuitive overestimation of the actual importance of the enzyme in the production process -a clear distinction should be made between essential and controlling enzymes (Jensen e t a/., 1993a, b); (2) a shift of control upon overexpression (De Hollander, 1994;Small & Kacser, 1993); or (3) additional effects caused by the overexpression (Bailey, 1993). In the first case a quan- titative metabolic control analysis should lead to the identification of the enzymes that do exert flux control (Kacser & Burns, 1973;Heinrich & Rapoport, 1974; Groen e t a/., 1982; Fell, 1992). In the second case combined overexpression of a group (module, Schuster e t al., 1993) of enzymes should help (Small & Kacser, 1993). In the third case, the unspecific negative effects can be divided into energetic effects (costs to produce extra protein) and competitive effects (if the proteinsynthesizing machinery is limiting). In this paper we will use the term protein burden for the negative effect on any part of cell function caused by the overexpression of a protein independent of its catalytic activity. In order to evaluate the importance of an enzyme for the control of any flux under study, it is important to distinguish specific negative effects of the catalytic activity from this 'nonspecific ' protein burden. Thus, a quantitative analysis of the negative effects of expression of recombinant protein is needed. The protein burden effect has been recognize...