Two main models of fluids flow through nanopore space were considered. Single tube capillary model (and its improvements) and net model of nanopore space. Flexibility, efficiency and reliability of each was taken into account. Among others the Javadpour model seems to be relatively reliable and easy to apply for Polish shale gas reservoirs. Additionally it is possible to improved it, by introducing results of new investigations, such as Klinkenberg permeability obtained by Pulse Decay measurements.Key words: total flux, apparent permeability, nanopore space flow of fluids.Przepływ płynów przez nanoprzestrzeń porową: dyskusja i propozycja modelu adekwatnego do warunków polskich Dwa główne typy modeli zostały poddane dyskusji. Model pojedynczej walcowej kapilary oraz model sieciowy bazujący na krzywej adsorpcji. Rozważano możliwości, elastyczność i rzetelność obu modeli. Model prezentowany przez Javadpoura, zmodyfikowany o wyniki badań efektu Klinkenberga przy zastosowaniu aparatu Pusle Decay wydaje się być najbardziej odpowiednim do szacowania przepuszczalności polskich złóż łupkowych.Słowa kluczowe: całkowita wielkość przepływu, przepuszczalność pozorna, przestrzeń nanporowa, przepływ płynów.Permeability of shale gas reservoirs is still poorly understood. Recent high resolution imaging studies have shown that in shale reservoirs, matrix pores consist of pores from the size of micrometer down to the range of 2÷100 nm and pore throats may be as small as 0.5 nm [1, 6,11,16,23].Therefore, assumption of permeability for gas in shale gas reservoirs is a complex multiscale problem. So far, a lots of researches on transport mechanisms in shales (matrix and fractures) have been done [1-3, 7-22, 23-25, 28].Modeling gas flow through nanoporous media must satisfy two factors: mathematic reliability of the model and its simplicity to use in practice. Additional restriction depends on accessibility of appropriate set of data. In nanopore space, flow regimes change in a function of pore distribution, pressure and temperature: from Darcy flow to molecular diffusion [9,14,18] and thus flow model must cover the whole range of pores and reservoir conditions.There are several models created mainly for American shale plays. However they cannot be directly applied to Polish shale gas formations because of shale heterogeneity and different mineral composition which affect pore size distribution and as a result flow properties.This paper provides a quick review of different approaches to assume permeability of shale gas reservoirs and draws the attention to all the aspects which need to be considered before applying those models to Polish shale gas conditions.