Foreign body aspiration is a real emergency for chidlren. Mortality and morbidity rates are directly correlated with clinical symptoms present during admission. The patients may present with a range of symptoms from cardiopulmonary arrest to mild respiratory symptoms without an apparent history of foreign body aspiration. This may lead to delays in diagnosis for several weeks or months which may further worsen lung problems. Chest X-ray or high-resolution computed tomography in the diagnosis phase could be beneficial. Bronchoscopy is used for both confirming the diagnosis and removing the obstruction in airways. Although there is no consensus on which method should be used during these procedures, pharmacological and technical advances in the field of anesthesia has lead to significant decrease in morbidity and mortality. The ventilation and anesthesia methods that would be applied largely depend on the cooperation and compliance between bronchoscopy user and anesthetist. In this article, anesthetic management used to remove foreign bodies in children to remove airway obstructions has been briefly reviewed. Key words: Tracheobronchial foreign bodies, method, anesthesia.
ÖZETYabancı cisim aspirasyonları çocukluk döneminin gerçek acil vakaları arasında yer almaktadır. Mortalite ve morbidite oranları girişim öncesi çocuğun kliniğe başvurusunda var olan semptomları ile doğrudan ilişkilidir. Anestezi uygulamasında kardiyopulmoner arrestten, sadece yabancı cisim aspirasyonu hikayesi olmayan hafif respiratuar semptomlara kadar değişen klinikle karşımıza