Several scholarships have endeavored to guesstimate the sway of natural resources on foreign direct investment inflows around the globe, but very few have engrossed on relative studies on Ghana, Nigeria, and Togo. The current paper departed from prior lessons and employed a thoughtful charter that clearly investigate the question of whether natural resource endowments is a more relevant factor to explain FDI's attraction to the countries under study. Two models fixed and random effects were established using pooled ordinary least squares (POLS) model, to estimate the coefficients. We applied a panel and time series data from 1982-2017. Preliminary results were obtained using both the random effect and fixed effect model. After conducting several tests such as Hausman Test and Breusch and Pagan Lagrangian Multiplier Test, the fixed effects model was considered the most appropriate model for the study. The results of the study yielded by both techniques registered natural resources to be significant as a propelled feature for FDI inflows. Additional issues such as GDP per capita, trade openness, political stability, and economic liberalization were also found to be significant in FDI determination. Contribution/ Originality: The study contributed to the existing literature by revealing the inevitable impact of natural resources and liberalization on FDI inflows through the application of Fixed Effect model. 1. INTRODUCTION Foreign direct investment (FDI) has become one of the key sources of capital infusion into the third world countries. Economic concept guessed that international capital inflows, among others, endorse the effective distribution of resources, which in turn boosted economic growth (Insah, 2013). According to Insah (2013) FDI may be viewed as a reagent for technological transfer from the developed to developing countries. Mello (1997) added that inward FDI enthuse local investment by swelling domestic investment through associations' with the production chain when foreign firms bought locally, made inputs or when foreign firms supplied intermediate inputs to local firms. In this sphere, the foreign capital inflow enlarge the supply of funds for investment. Apart from being a source of development finance and a channel for technology transfer, FDI has a number of proven attributes. It advances managerial knowledge and skills, and efficacy in productivity. It also