-(Spatial and temporal dynamics of Cerrado vegetation types in a protected area, southeastern Brazil). Recent studies indicate that after protection from human pressures (fi re, cattle grazing and agriculture), structural changes occur in the cerrado vegetation, changing open physiognomies into more closed savannas. We analyzed the dynamics of vegetation types along 44 years, at Assis Ecological Station, one of the rare conservation units protecting the cerrado biome in the southeastern São Paulo State, Brazil, with the aim of characterizing and quantifying those changes in space and time. Protected against human pressures since a long time, fi eld observations have shown an upgrade of local cerrado physiognomies, through a successional process whose structural climax can be a forest physiognomy, with a continuous arboreal stratum. The dynamics of the vegetation types was analyzed by using aerial photographs (1962, 1984 and 1994), Quick Bird satellite images (2006) and fi eld surveys. During this 44 years period, fi eld physiognomies were reduced from 23% to less than 1% of the total area studied. In the other extreme, woodland savanna increased from 53% to 91% of the area. Changes did not happen at the same rhythm across the area, and that is apparently correlated to microclimate and edaphyc differences. We believe that fi eld and savannic physiognomies initially existing were mostly maintained due to heavy human pressures, constraining the secondary succession towards an edapho-climatic climax of greater biomass. Confi rming the observations of cerrado areas elsewhere, protection against fi re, cattle grazing and agriculture allowed the evolution of open vegetation types into more closed ones, tending to be locally extinct the fi rst if new disturbances do not occur. Consequences of these changes related to management strategies, biodiversity conservation and carbon sink are discussed.Key words -Brazilian Savanna, cerrado physiognomies, human pressures, secondary succession, vegetation dynamics RESUMO -(Dinâmica espaço-temporal das fi tofi sionomias em unidade de conservação do Cerrado no sudeste do Brasil). Estudos recentes indicam que em áreas de Cerrado protegidas das atividades antrópicas ocorre uma evolução estrutural de fi tofi sionomias abertas para outras mais fechadas, com tendência ao desaparecimento das primeiras. Analisou-se a dinâmica das fi sionomias do Cerrado ao longo de 44 anos, na Estação Ecológica de Assis, SP, uma das poucas unidades de conservação do bioma no sudeste do Brasil, com o objetivo de caracterizar e quantifi car possíveis tranformações fi sionômicas no tempo e no espaço. Protegida de pressões antrópicas por longo tempo, observações de campo têm indicado um adensamento da vegetação em toda a área, rumo a um clímax de estrutura fl orestal. Para realizar este estudo foram utilizadas aerofotos (1962, 1984 e 1994), imagens "QuickBird" (2006) e reconhecimento de campo. Durante o período compreendido por este estudo, a área ocupada pelas fi sionomias campestres foi reduzida...