Homeopathic medicines may present differentiated responses in the cultivation of medicinal plants, altering the plant metabolism. The aim was to verify and describe the pathogenic symptoms caused by the application of Phosphorus in the cultivation of chamomile, aiming at the production of flowers. Four dynamizations, 3CH, 6CH, 12CH and 30CH (centesimal scale: CH = centesimal hahnemannian), were evaluated in the Mandirituba chamomile cultivar. Control pots received only distilled water and 70% alcohol in the same amount and proportion of homeopathic medicine. The variables analyzed from the harvest of the flowers are related to the parameters of inflorescence and plant production of chamomile. There was no difference between the dynamizations applied for the number of flowers plant , and production of fresh and dried flowers did not differ from the averages presented by the witnesses; however, in the 30CH dynamization, values higher than the others were observed, as well as for fresh mass plant -1 and hectare -1 . The diameter and the height of the flower expressed better results in the 3CH dynamization. The application of Phosphorus promotes pathogenesis in the cultivation of chamomile with increases in the characters related to the inflorescence.