The discussions presented in this article arose from action research carried out with students in a Master’s Program in Education. The questions asked in the study were: How do graduate students in Education, future specialists in the area, view the concepts of diversity and culture and, furthermore, what perception do the students have regarding the influence of these concepts on the construction of a professional teacher identity? Aiming to address these doubts, a qualitative study was conducted by way of an online questionnaire, specifically developed for this study which was applied to 13 students in the Master´s program in Education. The answers obtained were analyzed with the IRAMUTEQ software package to assess the text data. The results show that the group under study believed that one of the greatest challenges to teaching, and thus to the construction of an identity, is how cultural diversity is dealt with in the school setting. Therefore, it is necessary to deconstruct conceptual standards regarding diversity, culture and teacher identities.