In this article theoretical aspects of labor productivity and its roles in the stable development of economy are studied. The main purposes of providing the growth of labor productivity as the basis of sustainable economical development are viewed. The relevance of elaboration of a concept of sustainable development of labor is explored. The indicators of the current level of indicators of labor productivity in the regional context and in industries are analyzed. The main problems are identified, the solution of which makes it possible to implement the National project of Labor Productivity and employment support of the Russian Federation. Sustainable economic development is associated not only with the progress of the information technology and innovation industry, but also with the improvement of the labor market where new jobs, professions and personnel are created. In this regard, the relevance of diagnosing labor productivity in the regional aspect is due to the fact that this indicator reflects the effectiveness of the national and regional economies, the production efficiency, characterizes the use of living labor in the production process and ultimately determines the standards of living of the population. In this regard, increasing labor productivity is one of those national goals that are being addressed not only at the federal, but also at a regional level. The higher labor productivity is, the higher economic growth, the level of protection of the national economy from external challenges and threats from the instability of world markets are.