The structural changes accompanying stretch-induced early unfolding events were investigated for the four type III fibronectin (FN-III) modules, FN-III 7, FN-III8, FN-III9, and FN-III10 by using steered molecular dynamics. Simulations revealed that two main energy barriers, I and II, have to be overcome to initiate unraveling of FN-III's tertiary structure. In crossing the first barrier, the two opposing -sheets of FN-III are rotated against each other such that the -strands of both -sheets align parallel to the force vector (aligned state). All further events in the unfolding pathway proceed from this intermediate state. A second energy barrier has to be overcome to break the first major cluster of hydrogen bonds between adjacent -strands. Simulations revealed that the height of barrier I varied significantly among the four modules studied, being largest for FN-III 7 and lowest for FN-III10, whereas the height of barrier II showed little variation. Key residues affecting the mechanical stability of FN-III modules were identified. These results suggest that FN-III modules can be prestretched into an intermediate state with only minor changes to their tertiary structures. T he mechanical properties of fibronectin (FN) and its extracellular matrix fibers have drawn considerable attention recently. FN is a 450-to 500-kDa dimeric protein composed of more than 20 modules per monomer. FN primarily consists of three structurally homologous modules, FN-I, FN-II, and FN-III, presented schematically in Fig. 1A. Cells assemble FN into fibrillar networks that provide mechanical stability to the extracellular matrix and connective tissue. Furthermore, cells have been found to mechanically stretch FN fibers by up to four times their normal length (1). This wide extension range is attributed to the unfolding of individual FN modules under tension, which are presumed to refold when tension is released (2, 3). The FN-III modules are of particular interest because they contain several cell recognition sites, including the synergy site on FN-III 9 and an RGD loop on FN-III 10 (4). Beyond its role in FN, the FN-III motif is structurally ubiquitous and found in 2% of all animal proteins (5). The FN-III motif is a Greek key -sandwich (Fig. 1B) with four -strands in the upper sheet and three in the lower sheet (6).Mechanical forces, in addition to chemical cues, have been implicated in playing a critical role in regulating the functional states of FN. Binding sites buried within the protein in its native state, also referred to as cryptic sites, can be exposed by denaturation, or potentially through mechanical stretching (7,8). Forced unfolding of the FN-III 10 module also has been suggested to modify exposure of the RGD loop, thus influencing FNЈs accessibility to integrins (9). Mechanical forces, furthermore, are essential in initiating FN fibril assembly (10), potentially through exposure of cryptic sites, and͞or by swapping complementary -strands of partially unfolded FN-III modules during refolding (11,12). The functional ...