of the original manuscript:Ungar, G.; Tschierske, C.; Abetz, V.; Holyst, R.; Bates, M.A.; Lui, F.; Prehm, M.; Kieffer, R.; Zeng, X.; Walker, M.; Glettner, B.; Zywocinski, A.: Keywords: columnar liquid crystals, polygonal honeycombs, polyphiles, miktoarm star terpolymers, simulation, Langmuir films, rod-coil molecules, surface alignment Abstract: This article reviews the diversity of phase morphologies observed recently in starbranched liquid crystalline and polymeric compounds containing at least three immiscible segments. Bolaamphiphiles and facial amphiphiles with a rod-like aromatic core, two endgroups and one (T-shape) or two chains (X-shape) attached laterally to the core form numerous honeycomb-like liquid crystal phases, as well as a variety of novel lamellar and 3D-ordered mesophases. Molecular self-organization is described in bulk phases and in thin films on solid and liquid surfaces, as well as in Langmuir-Blodgett films. The remarkably reversible formation of mono-and tri-layer films is highlighted. In the bulk, T-shaped "rod-coil" molecules without the appended end-groups form predominantly lamellar phases if the core is a straight rod, but the bent-core variety forms hexagonal honeycombs. Furthermore, selfassembly of "Janus"-type molecules, such as those with Y-shaped star mesogens bearing different mutually incompatible side-groups, is discussed. Also covered is the diversity of morphologies observed in miktoarm star terpolymers i.e. polymers with three different and 3 incompatible arms of well-defined lengths. A range of bulk phases with 3D or 2D order are observed, combining layers, cylinders and cocontinuous networks. Similarities and differences are highlighted between the liquid crystal morphologies on the 3-15 nm scale and the polymer morphologies on the scale 10-100 nm. A separate section is dedicated to computer simulations of such systems, particularly those using dissipative particle and molecular dynamics. Of special interest are the recently synthesised X-shaped tetraphilic molecules, where two different and incompatible side-chains are attached at opposite sides of the rod-like core. The tendency for their phase separation produces LC honeycombs with cells of different compositions that can be represented as paving a plane with different color tiles.
Self-Assembly at Different Length Scales: Polyphilic StarBranched Liquid Crystals and Miktoarm Star CopolymersThe independent variation of chain length and "color" creates the potential for developing a considerable range of complex new 2d-and 3d soft nanostructures. Analogous X-shaped rodcoil compounds with unequal side groups are also of considerable interest, forming tubular lyotropic structures capable of confining strings of guest molecules.