miniaturization of microfluidic systems usually comes at the
cost of more difficult integration of sensors and actuators inside
the channel. As an alternative, this work demonstrates the embedding
of semiconductor-based sensor and actuator technologies that can be
spatially and temporally controlled from outside the channel using
light. The first element is a light-addressable potentiometric sensor,
consisting of an Al/Si/SiO2/Si3N4 structure, that can measure pH changes at the Si3N4/electrolyte interface. The pH value is a crucial factor in
biological and chemical systems, and besides measuring, it is often
important to bring the system out of equilibrium or to adjust and
control precisely the surrounding medium. This can be done photoelectrocatalytically
by utilizing light-addressable electrodes. These consist of a glass/SnO2:F/TiO2 structure, whereby direct charge transfer
between the TiO2 and the electrolyte leads to a pH change
upon irradiation. To complement the advantages of both, we integrated
a light-addressable sensor with a pH sensitivity of 41.5 mV·pH–1 and a light-addressable electrode into a microfluidic
setup. Here, we demonstrated a simultaneous operation with the ability
to generate and record pH gradients inside a channel under static
and dynamic flow conditions. The results show that dependent on the
light-addressable electrode (LAE)-illumination conditions, pH changes
up to ΔpH of 2.75 and of 3.52 under static and dynamic conditions,
respectively, were spatially monitored by the light-addressable potentiometric
sensor. After flushing with fresh buffer solution, the pH returned
to its initial value. Depending on the LAE illumination, pH gradients
with a maximum pH change of ΔpH of 1.42 were tailored perpendicular
to the flow direction. In a final experiment, synchronous LAE illumination
led to a stepwise increase in the pH inside the channel.