“…The influence of the state on this process is of special importance for the formation of spatial information (Dangermond & Goodchild, 2019). Measures of state control carried out in the field of protection and use of land are implemented in the following areas: - Requirements of the legislation, which must be observed by business entities in the relevant field of state supervision (control); reference to the legislation, which contains the requirement (abbreviated name, number of the act (document), and number of the article, its part, paragraph, paragraph).
- The name of the object to which the requirement of the legislation is directed.
- The activity to which the requirement of the legislation is directed (with indication of the code according to NACE).
- Goals of state supervision (control).
- The risk of negative consequences from economic activity.
- The probability of negative consequences (from 1 to 4 points, where 4 is the highest level of probability).
- The verification of compliance with the requirements of the legislation (to be included in the list of issues related to the state supervision (control) measure).
- Areas of implementation of state control measures in the field of land relations.
- State registration of land rights.
- The availability of the owner and land user, including the tenant, and the boundaries of land plots.
- Land plots are used by the owner and land user for their intended purpose, there is an unauthorized occupation of land plots by the land owner and land user, including the tenant, and measures are taken in accordance with the approved land management documentation.
- A special permit for removal and transfer of soil cover of the land plot (in case of such works) is executed.
- The removal and conservation of the surface layer of the soil and its application to the plot from which it was removed, or to another land plot to increase its productivity and other qualities.
- The land owner and land user, including the tenant, when carrying out economic activities provides protection of lands from erosion, depletion, salinization, salinization, acidification, waterlogging, flooding, overgrowing with weeds, shrubs, and small forests, increasing soil fertility.
- Preservation of useful properties of the earth on the basis of the application of ecologically safe technologies of cultivation and technics, implementation of other measures which reduce negative influence on soils, prevent irreversible loss of humus, nutrients, and so on (Mamonov, Wen, & Kondratyuk, 2020).
- Compliance with standards, standards in the implementation of anti‐erosion, agro‐technical, agrochemical, reclamation, and other measures related to land protection, preservation, and improvement of soil fertility in accordance with the standards: DSTU 4362: 2004 Soil quality.