Rivers in Himalaya and Ganga foreland respond to the tectonics and climate operating in its geomorphic continuum. The landscape of river systems draining the two continental scale geomorphic entities evolve at various spatio-temporal scales. The studies during the last five years in India have largely focused on understanding the climate-tectonic forcing and sensitivity of landscape responses and utilized high resolution geomorphic mapping, sedimentology, and luminescence chronology. A newer dimension of river/sediment connectivity, between the source and sink, in terms of sediment erosion/ delivery and storages has been initiated. Overall, >85 research articles were published that can be classified into (i) River aggradation-incision, paleofloods and neotectonic deformation in the Himalaya, (ii) Glacial morphostratigraphy in river headwaters, (iii) Sedimentation in the Ganga foreland, and (iv) River connectivity between the Himalaya and Ganga Plain.