Ca 2þ ions are critical to cadherin ectodomain rigidity, which is required for the activation of adhesive functions. Therefore, changes in Ca 2þ concentration, both in vivo and in vitro, can affect cadherin conformation and function. We employed single-molecule tracking to measure the diffusion of cadherin ectodomains tethered to supported lipid bilayers at varying Ca 2þ concentrations. At a relatively high Ca 2þ concentration of 2 mM, cadherin molecules exhibited a fast diffusion coefficient that was identical to that of individual lipid molecules in the bilayer (D fast z 3 mm 2 /s). At lower Ca 2þ concentrations, where cadherin molecules were less rigid, the ensemble-average cadherin diffusion coefficient was systematically smaller. Individual cadherin trajectories were temporally heterogeneous, exhibiting alternating periods of fast and slow diffusion; the periods of slow diffusion (D slow z 0.1 mm 2 /s) were more prevalent at lower Ca 2þ concentration. These observations suggested that more flexible cadherin ectodomains at lower Ca 2þ concentration alternated between upright and lying-down conformations, where the latter interacted with more lipid molecules and experienced greater viscous drag.