Process mining is a process management technique that allows for the analysis of business processes based on the event logs and its aim is to discover, monitor and improve executed processes by extracting knowledge from event logs readily available in information systems. The popularity of agile software development methods has been increasing in the software development field over the last two decades and many software organizations develop software using agile methods. Process mining can provide complementary tools to Agile organizations for process management. Process mining can be used to discover agile processes followed by agile teams to establish the baselines and to determine the fidelity or they can be used to obtain feedback to improve agility. Despite the potential benefit of using process mining for agile software development, there is a lack of research that systematically analyzes the usage of process mining in agile software development. This paper presents a systematic mapping study on usage of process mining in agile software development approaches. The aim is to find out the usage areas of process mining in agile software development, explore commonly used algorithms, data sources, data collection mechanisms, analysis techniques and tools. The study has shown us that process mining is used in Agile software development especially for the purpose of process discovery from task tracking applications. We also observed that source code repositories are main data sources for process mining, a diversity of algorithms are used for analysis of collected data and ProM is the most widely used analysis tool for process mining.