“…The 1 H-NMR (see Table 1) spectrum of 3 exhibited the resonances of one pair of 4-hydroxybenzyl group, four aliphatic protons due to two benzylic methylenes, and six aromatic protons attributed to the bibenzyl. Among these six aromatic protons, two appeared at d 6.23 and 6.19 (1H each, both d, Jϭ2.0 Hz, H-4, 6) due to two m-coupled protons on A-ring, assignable to H-4 and H-6 from their chemical shifts and splitting patterns; the other four, which appeared at d 7.03 (1H, t, Jϭ8.0 Hz, H-5Ј), 6.57 (1H, br d, Jϭ8.0 Hz, H-4Ј), 6.55 (1H, br s, H-2Ј) and 6.54 (1H, br d, Jϭ8.0 Hz, H-6Ј), deduced the presence of a 1,3-disubstituted aromatic ring (B-ring). These data revealed that the structure of 3 was quite similar to that of 7, 11) except for the absence of the methoxyl group on Aring.…”