Fourier transform infrared ͑FTIR͒ spectrometer is a powerful tool for studying the photoluminescence ͑PL͒ properties of semiconductors, due to its well-known multiplexing and throughput advantages. However, it suffers from internal He-Ne laser disturbance in near-infrared and/or environmental background thermal emission in mid-and far-infrared spectral regions. In this work, a modulated PL technique is developed based on step-scan ͑SS͒-FTIR spectrometer. Theoretical analysis is conducted, and applications of the technique are given as examples in the PL study of mid-infrared HgCdTe thin films and near-infrared GaInP / AlGaInP multiple quantum wells, respectively. The results indicate that the He-Ne laser and/or thermal emission disturbance can be reduced at least 1 / 1000 and/or even 1 / 10 000, respectively, by the modulated SS-FTIR PL technique, and hence a rather smooth PL spectrum can be obtained even under room temperature for HgCdTe thin films. A brief comparison is given of this technique with previously reported phase-sensitive modulation methods based on conventional rapid-scan ͑RS͒-FTIR spectrometer, and the advantages of this technique over the former RS-FTIR-based ones are emphasized.