A 2D fi nite element analysis was applied to calculate shear and von Mises equivalent stresses developed, under masticatory loading, in an upper central incisor restored with cast gold post and carbon fi ber reinforced epoxy resin post. Based on the predicted shear stress levels, it is concluded that the gold post model is more prone to shear failure along the post-dentin interface. Whereas shear stress concentration also occurs in both models at the core-crown interface, the stress level predicted there is higher for the carbon fi ber post model which would be more susceptible to crown displacement. Finally, the prediction of von Mises equivalent stress indicates a nonuniform distribution, with the stress preferentially concentrated in the gold post along its interface with the tooth dentin. For the carbon fi ber post restored model, on the other hand, the von Mises stresses are more uniformly distributed achieving its maximum level in the tooth dentin.