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Development of Friction Stir Welding Process Parameters for the High Strength Low Alloy Steel ISO 3183 X80MAbstract: It is known that welding and rotational speeds, axial force, the inclination angle, and the tool design are the main independent input variables which are used to control the process of friction stir welding, and the heat generation rate and cooling, force in the welding direction and torque are the response variables that will change the microstructural evolution and mechanical performance of the welded joint. In this work, the behavior of these input and response variables aiming the development of friction stir welding process applied to steel API 5L X80 (ISO 3183 X80M) steel were studied. For this purpose, plates with 12 mm thick were welded by two passes using polycrystalline cubic bore nitrite tool. It was observed that, while keeping the welding speed constant, an increase in spindle speed and /or axial force, tends to reduce the reactive forces and the torque acting during the process by increasing of the heat generation rate. Otherwise, keeping spindle speed and axial force constants, the welding speed rising the forces and torque, allowing the welding speed plays a significant role in the heat generation rate during the process.Key-words: Process variables; Friction stir welding; Mechanical performance.
IntroduçãoEste estudo teve como base o aço ARBL ISO 3183 X80M, produzido no Brasil pelo processo termomecânico TMCP (Thermomechanically Controlled Processing), sem resfriamento acelerado, microligado com nióbio, vanádio e titânio para refinamento de grão e endurecimento por precipitação [1,2]. O aço comercial ISO 3183 X80M, equivalente ao aço (API) 5L X80, tem uma microestrutura composta por ferrita poligonal, bainita e perlita degenerada o que lhe garante propriedades mecânicas elevadas, boa tenacidade e soldabilidade [3]. Esta combinação de propriedades tornou mais relevante a classe do aço X80 nas operações de transporte de óleo e gás, o que vem aumentando a demanda por pesquisas visando o desenvolvimento de processos de soldagem mais eficientes.