Much of the albeit limited research relating to disabled children and young people in sport, physical activity and physical education settings is from the perspective of teachers, school leaders, coaches, support assistants and special educational needs coordinators. While this research has undoubtedly contributed to developing a rich tapestry of knowledge about disability and sport, physical activity and physical education, the views and experiences of disabled children and young people are conspicuous by their absence. Thus, in this special issue, we showcase research that centres on the experiences and amplifies the voices of disabled children and young people. When reading these articles, we encourage you to reflexively consider the ways and extent to which your own research and practice endeavours to include, empower, and emancipate disabled children and young people. If nothing else, we hope that this special issue will encourage sport, physical activity and physical education scholars, especially those who 'do not research disability', to consider the significance of including disabled people as active participants in more general research studies.