Let (X t ) t≥0 denote a non-commutative monotone Lévy process. Let ω = (ω(t)) t≥0 denote the corresponding monotone Lévy noise, i.e., formallyis defined as the orthogonal projection of the monomial ω ⊗n , f (n) onto the subspace of L 2 (τ ) that is orthogonal to all continuous polynomials of ω of order ≤ n − 1. We denote by OCP the linear span of the orthogonal polynomials. Each orthogonal polynomial P (n) (ω), f (n) depends only on the restriction of the function f (n) to the set {(t 1 , . . . , t n ) ∈ R n + | t 1 ≥ t 2 ≥ · · · ≥ t n }. The orthogonal polynomials allow us to construct a unitary operator J : L 2 (τ ) → F, where F is an extended monotone Fock space. Thus, we may think of the monotone noise ω as a distribution of linear operators acting in F. We say that the orthogonal polynomials belong to the Meixner class if CP = OCP. We prove that each system of orthogonal polynomials from the Meixner class is characterized by two parameters: λ ∈ R and η ≥ 0. In this case, the monotone Lévy noise has the representation ωHere, ∂ † t and ∂ t are the (formal) creation and annihilation operators at t ∈ R + acting in F.