High Purcell spontaneous emission enhancement factor of 116 is achieved by integrating a self-assembled, close packed monolayer of colloidal PbS quantum dots with a L3-type silicon photonic crystal cavity.High Q optical microcavities can be used to control the radiative process of dipole emitters, such as quantum dots, through photonic density of states control. By enhancing the spontaneous emission, heat dissipating non-radiative relaxations can be suppressed therefore resulting in greater light emitting efficiency and providing a possibility of extracting multi-exciton energy by the emission process. In order to study the radiative control of quantum dots, it is important to be able to incorporate these emitters without perturbing the optical properties of the cavity. Serious challenges remain in integration of the photonic-crystal cavity structure and quantum dots without significant Q factor degradation. Standard spin-coating techniques fail to retain the inherent Q factor and achieve high quantumdot concentration, consistent film thickness and controlled uniform particle separation from the surface.This paper reports progress in meeting some of these challenges. We achieved an enhanced emission factor of 116 from close-packed PbS quantum-dot/polymer monolayers transferred to a L3 Si photonic-crystal cavity with Q factor around 2860. This is a significant improvement over previously reported Purcell factor[1] of 10 involving colloidal quantum dots [2]. The key factor enabling this result is the ability to deposit a 20nm thick monolayer of close-packed quantum dots onto a photoniccrystal cavity to provide direct contact with the cavity. The quantum-dot density of 10 4 Pm -2 , which is over two orders of magnitude higher than typical with Stranski-Krastanow growth, directly contributes to high emission intensity and mitigates the difficulty of placing dots selectively at the anti-nodes of the optical modes. An optimal mode confinement factor is guaranteed by the uniformity (on the scale of an optical wavelength) of dot density throughout the cavity volume.The experiments were performed with L3 (a row of three missing air holes) photonic-crystal Fig. 1. (a) SEM image of photonic crystal, with upper left inset providing a detailed view of the holes (240nm diameter) and lower right inset showing the hole edges and sidewalls. The lower left inset provides a schematic diagram of the photoluminescence measurement geometry. (b) Top view of two identical L3-type photonic crystal cavities. (c) TEM image of a free-standing PbS quantum dot/P3HT polymer monolayer to be transferred to the photonic crystal surface.