For more than two decades, dielectric properties (i.e., permittivity) the midpoint of the change in the real component. Water have been used for soil water content measurements, but unexpected results have been shown for saline soils or soils high in smectite clays. has a sharp dielectric relaxation, which means there is Permittivity is complex with real and imaginary components, and varies a large increase, and then a leveling off of the real permitwith frequency. The frequency dependence is due to dipole rotation tivity at frequencies below the relaxation frequency. In the and charge migration processes under alternating current. Dielectric range of most dielectric measurements in soil (10 MHz to relaxation refers to the reorienting of molecules after an electrical field 1.5 GHz), there is very little change in the real component is removed. The objective of this study was to develop a procedure for of permittivity free water. Also, the permittivity of dry determining complex permittivity spectra for soils. Six soils with a soil and air do not change with frequency. However, when range of mineralogies were preequilibrated at four duplicated water all are mixed together, there is often a large increase in contents. They were packed into truncated coaxial cells, and the reflecreal permittivity as the frequency decreases. The spectra tion-scattering parameter was measured for frequencies between 300 become complicated because of overlapping relaxations kHz to 3 GHz, although the primary calculation procedure was valid to Ͻ100 MHz. The calculated complex permittivity was difficult to use and overlapping electrical conductivity contribution to for deriving unique parameters because of overlapping influence of the imaginary component of permittivity. The relaxations electrical conductivity and multiple dielectric relaxation processes are due to interactions between the soil particles and that extended beyond the measured frequency range. The complex water; that is, not all of the water behaves like free water. resistivity was easier to interpret, clearly showing one major relaxation Material scientists have usually measured permittivity process, except for the driest soils. The relaxation frequency determined on very small samples that can be filled, cut, or packed from complex resistivity increased significantly as water content and into airlines (7-mm diam.), but this is much too small electrical conductivity increased. For each soil, the square root of for soil analysis. Material scientists have depended on apparent permittivity, ε a 1/2 , significantly increased as frequency detime domain measurements (converted to frequency docreased and as water content increased. The ε a 1/2 showed frequency main by lumped capacitance approach; Cole et al., 1989; dependence ranging from 1.1-fold per order of magnitude for Cecil soil to almost 2.5-fold for Ida soil. Developing procedures to extend Berberian and King, 2002) because of the broad meathe measured and calculated frequency range would enhance data surement frequency ...