Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 026808 ͑2005͔͒ are interpreted by employing a multiband k · p Hamiltonian, which considers the interaction between heavy hole and light hole subbands explicitly. No need of invoking an incomplete energy shell filling is required within this model. The crucial role we ascribe to the heavy hole-light hole interaction is further supported by one-band local-spin-density functional calculations, which show that Coulomb interactions do not induce any incomplete hole shell filling and therefore cannot account for the experimental magnetic field dispersion. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.72.233305 PACS number͑s͒: 73.21.La, 73.22.Ϫf, 73.23.Hk Knowledge of the electronic structure of semiconductor quantum dots ͑QDs͒ 1 is essential to understand and predict their physical properties. The energy structure of conduction band electrons confined in QDs has been thoroughly investigated using capacitance-voltage ͑C-V͒ 2 and far-infrared absorption spectroscopy. 3 However, direct and clear access to the energy structure of valence band holes has long been hindered by the high density of states arising from their larger effective mass. 4 Only very recent C-V spectroscopy experiments have succeeded in resolving a number of energy levels corresponding to holes confined in In͑Ga͒As selfassembled QDs. [5][6][7][8] Of particular interest are the results reported by Reuter et al.,7,8 which studied the energy dispersion of hole charging peaks in QDs with a magnetic field B applied along the growth direction. It was found that for QDs charged on average with one or two holes, the slope of the peaks dispersion was approximately zero. When the QDs were charged with three to six holes, the peaks shifted toward lower and higher energy in alternating fashion, the slope of the fifth and sixth peaks being about twice as strong as that of the third and fourth ones. By using a one-band effective mass Hamiltonian, such results were interpreted as a nonsequential shell filling, leading to highly spin-polarized ground states. 7 It was speculated that this phenomenon, which has no analogy in conduction band electrons, might be due to the Coulomb exchange interactions exceeding the rather small kinetic energy of holes.In this paper, we provide theoretical support for these experiments. First, we study the effect of Coulomb correlations on the electronic configuration of the hole ground state in self-assembled In͑Ga͒As QDs. To this end, we use a oneband local-spin-density functional ͑LSDF͒ model. We find that, even for a rather large QD and pure heavy hole effective mass, a sequential filling of the energy levels is predicted. It then follows that an explanation for the experimental magnetic field-induced dispersion of the charging peaks is unattainable within the one-band picture. Next, we study the role of heavy hole-light hole ͑HH-LH͒ coupling, using a fourband Luttinger-Kohn Hamiltonian. Our results show that HH-LH interaction, together with the spin Zeeman splitting, yield a plausible interpretation of the experimental data even at ...