Hydrogen bond dynamics of water in NaBr solutions are studied by using ultrafast 2D IR vibrational echo spectroscopy and polarization-selective IR pump-probe experiments. The hydrogen bond structural dynamics are observed by measuring spectral diffusion of the OD stretching mode of dilute HOD in H2O in a series of high concentration aqueous NaBr solutions with 2D IR vibrational echo spectroscopy. The time evolution of the 2D IR spectra yields frequency-frequency correlation functions, which permit quantitative comparisons of the influence of NaBr concentration on the hydrogen bond dynamics. The results show that the global rearrangement of the hydrogen bond structure, which is represented by the slowest component of the spectral diffusion, slows, and its time constant increases from 1.7 to 4.8 ps as the NaBr concentration increases from pure water to Ϸ6 M NaBr. Orientational relaxation is analyzed with a wobbling-in-a-cone model describing restricted orientational diffusion that is followed by complete orientational randomization described as jump reorientation. The slowest component of the orientational relaxation increases from 2.6 ps (pure water) to 6.7 ps (Ϸ6 M NaBr). Vibrational population relaxation of the OD stretch also slows significantly as the NaBr concentration increases.ultrafast 2D IR spectroscopy ͉ water dynamics in ionic solutions W ater plays an important role in chemical and biological processes. In aqueous solutions, water molecules dissolve ionic compounds, charged chemical species, and biomolecules by forming hydration shells (layers) around them. Pure water undergoes rapid structural evolution of the hydrogen bond network that is responsible for water's unique properties (1). A question of fundamental importance is how the dynamics of water in the immediate vicinity of an ion or ionic group differ from those of pure water. For monatomic ions, molecular ions, charged groups of large molecules, or charged amino acids on the surfaces of proteins, the basic structure of hydration shells is determined by ion-dipole interactions between water molecules and the charged group (2, 3). Such ion-dipole interactions will influence both the structure and dynamics of water in the proximity of ions. Water dynamics in ion hydration shells play a significant role in the nature of systems such as proteins and micelles (3) and in processes such as ion transport through transmembrane proteins (4).Over the last several years, the application of ultrafast IR vibrational echo spectroscopy (5, 6), particularly 2D IR vibrational echo experiments, (7, 8) combined with molecular dynamics (MD) simulations (9-12) have greatly enhanced understanding of the hydrogen bond dynamics in pure water. These experiments directly examine the dynamics of water rather than study the indirect influence of water dynamics on a probe molecule (13). The ultrafast 2D IR vibrational echo experiments on water (7, 8) and other hydrogen-bonded systems (14) build upon earlier IR pump-probe experiments that have been extensively used to study ...