Purpose: To determine the frequency of refractive errors in squinting eyes of children from 4 to 16 years presenting at tertiary care hospital. Study Design: A descriptive cross-sectional prospective study was done. Place and Duration: The study was conducted in Paedriatic Ophthalmology, Hayatabad Medical Complex, Peshawar. The duration of the study was 15 th Sep to 15 th Oct, 2021. Materials and Methods: Sample size was 146 keeping 41.45% proportion of refractive errors in children with squinting eyes, 95% confidence interval and 8% margin of error under WHO sample size calculations. Non-probability consecutive sampling was done. Result: Mean age was 8.57±2.66 years. Male were 89 (61.0%) and female were 57 (39.0%).Refractive error was present in 56 (38.4%), including 9 myopic, 32 hyperrmetropic, and 15 astigmatic children, and was absent in 90 (61.6%) patients. 57 positive parent refractive error patients, 21 (36.8%) showed refractive errors. However, In 89 patients without parent refractive errors, 35 (39.3%) showed refractive errors, p value 0.763. Early use of electric equipment against the refractive error showed that of total 56 patients with early use of electric equipment, 24 (42.9%) showed refractive errors. In 90 patient without the early use of electric equipment, 32 (35.6%) showed refractive errors There was no association of gender, age, parent refractive errors or early usage of electric equipment with the refractive errors. Conclusion: Prevalence of refractive errors is high in patient with strabismus. There is no association of age, gender, parent refractive errors or early usage of electric equipment in the occurrence of refractive errors. Further studies are recommended for confirmation of these.