Dielectric measurements are carried out on [60Ag20-x B20,-(40x) P20,] glasses in the frequency and temperature range to lo5 Hz and 120 to 400 K, respectively. The observed dielectric data show an interfacial barrier at the metal-glass contact and reveal a barrier relaxation timebarrier width d, = 8.8 nm, and dc conductivity odC z 1.67 x R-' m-' for the [60Ag20-8 B,O,-32 P,O,] glass at room temperature. A capacitive contribution from BPO, and PO, groups in the bulk along with an interfacial layer capacitance is suggested to be responsible for the large dispersion observed in C(o). The activation energies for threc different glass compositions are found to be (0.48 0.02), (0.40 f 0.02), and (0.50 f 0.02) eV. ') Karachi 75270, Pakistan. 32*