We report on the observation of a highly efficient transformation of laser radiation into higher-order Stokes and anti-Stokes components in impulsively vibrationally excited gaseous SF 6 . The specific (Bessel-like) behavior of their intensity with the gas pressure reveals the mutual coherence of the generated frequencies. We propose this new regime of Raman frequency conversion for generation of sub-fs pulses. PACS numbers: 42.65.Dr, 33.20.Fb The shortest light pulses generated presently by the conventional methods of fs-laser mode-locking and nonlinear pulse compression last for about 5 fs and contain nearly two light wave oscillations [1]. Generation of even shorter laser pulses would provide access to studies of nonlinear-optical interactions on a time scale of only one optical cycle that would be of great significance for both fundamental and applied science. Recently, a considerable interest was concentrated on the alternative approach to sub-fs pulse generation based on the idea of Fourier synthesis of phase synchronized laser fields [2]. In particular, the problem of mode locking of high-order lines of stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) was in the focus of both theoretical [3-5] and experimental [6] studies. Various regimes of Raman mode locking (resonant [3] and quasiresonant [4], mode locking within the Raman soliton [5]) were proposed. Although generation of multiple Raman lines in liquids and gases is presently not a particular problem [6], a serious challenge is to maintain certain phase and amplitude relations between the high-order SRS components during the generation process. On one hand, by increasing the number of SRS components, even shorter pulses can be synthesized. On the other hand, the generation of higher SRS components with comparable amplitudes necessarily leads to higher pump pulse energies. According to the proposed schemes [4,5], energy densities of the order of 10 2 J͞cm 2 are required. In these conditions self-focusing and self-phase modulation due to fast electronic response, medium ionization, and other competing processes can make the phase relationships between the components irregular. Note that spectral broadening of Stokes and anti-Stokes frequencies [7], continuum generation in SRS [6], and Kerr-induced shift of the Stokes line [8] were recently reported. In addition, amplitude modulation of the Stokes field (leading to Stokes pulse shortening) was observed even in the first SRS experiments [9].In this Letter we propose and demonstrate experimentally an alternative approach to the problem of high-order SRS. The idea of the method lies in the fact that the influence of the competing nonlinear processes can be eliminated if SRS occurs in a preliminary vibrationally excited medium. A time-delayed SRS is possible because, once excited, the dipole forbidden Raman transition can radiate only in the presence of the injected field. By exposing the molecule to an intense fs pulse with a duration shorter than the molecular vibrational period T y , one can prepare the vibrationally ...