Cultivation will change some of soil physical properties which determine the susceptibility to erosion. Therefore, the properties must be paid much attention in cultivating soil for annual crop farming, such as for corn. A research about dynamics of physical properties of Ultisol was conducted during corn cultivation in Ultisol Limau Manis, a wet tropical area. The objective of the research was to determine the changing of the soil physical properties during corn cultivation. The soil was sampled before cultivation, 1, 2, and 3 months of corn age, and 3 weeks after harvesting. Parameters analyzed were soil texture, bulk density, total pore, aggregate stability, soil moisture, organic C, permeability. The result showed that there was a short term effect of corn growth on some physical properties such as bulk density, total pore, aggregate stability, permeability, and organic matter content of the Ultisol. The properties tended to improve during corn age 2 and 3 months, and then get down again after harvesting.