Freshwater fish are crucial components of aquatic ecosystems that are affected by a range of anthropogenic activities. Freshwater bodies in Nepal are under different threats affecting biodiversity. Inter-basin water transfer (IBWT) involving damming and diversion of water from one river basin to another is considered a major threat to aquatic biodiversity. Impact assessment of such projects include generation of baseline information on different biotic and abiotic variables. The aim of this study was to generate baseline information on fish diversity from the glacial-fed (Bheri) and the spring-fed (Babai) rivers and their selected tributaries from western Nepal in the wake of the first proposed inter-basin water transfer from the former to the latter. A total of 10 sampling sites, five each from Bheri and Babai River systems, were chosen strategically. Electrofishing was conducted encompassing different seasons in 2018 following the standard method. A total of 32 species with catch per unit effort (CPUE) of 47±24 from Bheri and 42 species with CPUE of 63±52 from Babai River were recorded. Cyprinidae, followed by Nemacheilidae, were the most dominant families in both river systems, and Barilius vagra and Schistura beavani were the most dominant species in both. Species richness and abundance showed a significant difference between rivers, and differences in fish assemblages reflects differences in ecological regimes. Failure to observe migratory species such as Anguilla bengalensis suggests that migratory routes may already have been affected. Of the total 52 species recorded, eight are in the threatened categories of the IUCN Red List and need active conservation measures. The findings provide a reference to assess the impacts of water transfers on fish assemblages in these river systems.