Huntite (CaMg3(CO3)4) is a calcium magnesium carbonate mineral and is a mineral in the dolomite group. Although studies on Huntite's flame retardant raw material feature stand out, it is used in the paint industry, and the industrial sectors such as plastics, pol-ymers, special rubbers, and pharmaceuticals. In this study, experiments were carried out by producing brake pad samples in different mixing ratios from huntite mineral and glass fiber, kaolin, graphite, phenolic resin, and rubber powder to be used for brake pads in the automotive industry. Friction coefficient and wear rate which is an important fea-ture for the produced pad samples were measured in the brake pad testing device. Ac-cording to the Archimedes principle, the specific gravity and disc roughness values formed by the brake pad samples on the disc were measured with a roughness tester. According to the measured values, the highest average friction coefficient was obtained in the A45 sample, the minimum wear value was obtained in the A10 sample, and the minimum roughness change was obtained in the A25 sample.