Punctuated equilibrium is a mode of evolution in which phenetic change occurs in rapid bursts that are separated by much longer intervals of stasis during which mutations accumulate but no major phenotypic change occurs. Punctuated equilibrium has been originally proposed within the framework of paleobiology, to explain the lack of transitional forms that is typical of the fossil record. Theoretically, punctuated equilibrium has been linked to self-organized criticality (SOC), a model in which the size of avalanches in an evolving system is power-law distributed, resulting in increasing rarity of major events. We show here that, under the weak-mutation limit, a large population would spend most of the time in stasis in the vicinity of saddle points in the fitness landscape. The periods of stasis are punctuated by fast transitions, in lnNe time (Ne, effective population size), when a new beneficial mutation is fixed in the evolving population, which moves to a different saddle, or on much rarer occasions, from a saddle to a local peak. Thus, punctuated equilibrium is the default mode of evolution under a simple model that does not involve SOC or other special conditions.