Inelastic neutron scattering at high momentum transfers (i.e. Q ≥ 20Å), commonly known as deep inelastic neutron scattering (DINS), provides direct observation of the momentum distribution of light atoms, making it a powerful probe for studying single-particle motions in liquids and solids. The quantitative analysis of DINS data requires an accurate knowledge of the instrument resolution function R i (Q, E) at each momentum Q and energy transfer E, where the label i indicates whether the resolution was experimentally observed i = obs or simulated i = sim. Here, we describe two independent methods for determining the total resolution function R i (Q, E) of the ARCS neutron instrument at the Spallation Neutron Source, Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The first method uses experimental data from an archetypical system (liquid 4 He) studied with DINS, which are then numerically deconvoluted using its previously determined intrinsic scattering function to yield R obs (Q, E). The second approach uses accurate Monte Carlo simulations of the ARCS spectrometer, which account for *